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Micca Electronics


Micca MB42-C

Why is the impedance 4-8 Ohms? Will it work with my receiver?

Micca is one of the few manufacturers that specifies the impedance of its speakers as a range, rather than a fixed nominal value. The impedance of a speaker varies depending on the frequency being played, and it is normal for most 8ohm rated speakers have impedance that dip as low as 4ohms or even lower.

While the Micca speakers work just fine with most amplifiers and receivers rated for speakers designed to handle 6ohm or 8ohm speakers, the 4-8ohm rating is a reminder to users that these speakers do have impedance that go down to as low as 4ohms and care should be taken with the listening volume so as not to damage the amplifier or speakers. Please observe the following precautions:

  • Do not play the speakers at a volume where there is audible distortion
  • If the amplifier’s output protection is triggered, immediately discontinue use
  • Ensure that the amplifier has plenty of ventilation and is not in an enclosed space
  • If the amplifier has a “4Ohm” or “High Current” mode, enable it